Incident Name: Mt Tamalpais Fire
Date: 7/9/1913
Personnel: 5 Soldiers, names unknown
Agency/Organization: every kind of military in the San Francisco Bay Area
Position: soldiers acting as firefighters
Summary: A fire sweeping Mount Tamalpais, north of San Francisco for days has been fought by every available soldier from San Francisco, Prisidio, Fort Winfield Scott, Fort Baker and Fort Barry alongside civilians and sailors from US war vessels. It’s estimate that 6,000 firefighters are fighting the blaze. Five soldiers burned to death. Their identities are unknown.
If you know who they are, please let us know.
Mt Tamalpais (now a National Recreation Area
{mosmap lat=’37.923823’|lon=’-122.596205’|marker=’0’|text=’Mt Tamalpais’}
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Contributors to this article: Mellie
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