Incident Name:
Date: 7/2/1929
Personnel: William Doelle & David Coon (Koontz in news article)
Position: ranchers fighting fire, firefighters
Summary: William Doelle, 49, and David Coon, 54. were fighting a fire in Yaxon Canyon, 5 mi south of Cashmere, Washington when wind-driven fire entrapped and overran them, killing them.
Yaxon Canyon, 5 mi South of Cashmere, WA
{mosmap lat=’47.424025’|lon=’-120.462992’|marker=’0’|text=’Approximate Location, Yaxon Canyon’}
Reports, Documentation, Lessons Learned
- Washington Death Certificates: William A. Doelle | David Henry Coon
- William Doelle & David Koontz (death certificate says Coon) named as fallen
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