Incident Name: Sullivan Creek Fire, Flathead National Forest
Date: 8/30/1929
Personnel: Lester Rudd/Rude
Age: 25
Agency/Organization: US Forest Service
Position: firefighter
Summary: Lester Rudd/Rude died of a heart attack while working on the Sullivan Creek forest fire in 1929.
(from, Chapter 27, Flathead Story – Tragedies; spelled Lester’s surname as Rude; news article spelled it as Rudd
Sullivan Creek, Flathead National Forest, MT
{mosmap lat=’48.028705’|lon=’-113.703734’|marker=’0’|text=’Sullivan Creek, Flathead National Forest, MT’}
Reports, Documentation, Lessons Learned
- Forest History of the Flathead National Forest spelled Lester’s surname as Rude
- Montana Death Index: Lester Rudd
Return to top Links:
Media Articles and Reports
- Lester’s name is mentioned in this article
Photos, Videos, & Tributes
Contributors to this article: Mellie, John Miller
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