Incident Name: Pete King Fire on Selway National Forest, near Pierce ID
Date: 8/13/34
Personnel: two lives lost
Age: late teens, early 20s
Agency/Organization: Civilian Conservation Corps
Position: firefighters
Leroy McGinnis, 25, of Kewanee, IL, CCC Crewman
Lester Johnson, 25 of Galesburg, IL, CCC Crewman
CCC “Boys” — really young men — Leroy McGinnis and Lester Johnson (of the Forestry CC Corps, US Army, Camp 1645 French Creek) were killed fighting a fire on the Selway National Forest. They were struck by a falling tree and perished. William Mattison another CCC firefighter perished in California about the same time.
Location: Selway National Forest, near Pierce ID
{mosmap lat=’46.491021’|lon=’-115.799029’|marker=’0’|text=Pierce, ID’}
Selway National Forest; On October 29, 1934 the Selway National Forest was divided among the Bitterroot, Clearwater, Lolo and Nez Perce National Forests, and the name was discontinued.
Reports, Documentation, Lessons Learned
- Lessons Learned Center Record
- Idaho Death Certificates: Leroy McGinnis | Lester L JohnsonEvent Place listed as Lewiston, Nez Perce, ID; Occupation and Address were Forestry CC Corps, US Army, Camp 1645 French Creek.
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- Leroy Mcginnis is buried in Ottowa IL.
- Lester Johnson is buried in Galesburg, IL.
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