Incident Name: Kelley Fire, Nez Perce National Forest, Idaho
Date: 8/23/1939
Personnel: Cornelius O’Brien
Age: 21
Agency/Organization: Civilian Conservation Corps; US Forest Service
Position: firefighter
Summary: Cornelius drowned in Allison Creek on Wed., August 23, 1939. He was from New York and had enrolled in the CCC’s because he could not find employment. He was sent to a CCC camp located at Riggins, Idaho. Cornelius was found dead in Allison Creek near the fire line, and was believed to have suffered from epilepsy. He was a member of a CCC crew assigned to help fight the Kelley Fire.
—From Newspaper; “ Gallup Independent, September, 1939
Kelley Fire 1939
{mosmap lat=’45.425’|lon=’-116.162’|marker=’0’|text=’Kelley Fire Location’}
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