Incident Name: Gleason Mountain Fire on the Kaniksu National Forest (now Coleville NF), WA
Date: 8/26/1939
Personnel: Larry Mazarokos
Agency/Organization: Civilian Conservation Corps, working for the US Forest Service
Position: firefighter
Summary: On August 26, 1939, Larry Mazarokos and his Company 1235 CCC crew from Priest River Idaho were fighting the Gleason Mountain Fire on the Kaniksu National Forest (now Coleville NF) in Washington when he was struck by a burning snag. He did not survive.
Gleason Mountain Fire, WA, Kaniksu National Forest (now Coleville NF)
{mosmap lat=’48.576027’|lon=’-117.098554’|marker=’0’|text=’Gleason Mountain, WA’}
Reports, Documentation, Lessons Learned
- Larry Mazarokos, Company 1235 CCC Priest River, Idaho was killed by a flaming snag on the Gleason Mountain Fire in Washington. Links:
Media Articles and Reports
Photos, Videos, & Tributes
Contributors to this article: Brett Rogers
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