Incident Name: Chipmunk Creek Fire on Yellowstone National Park
Date: 6/22/1940; but he may have died on 6/23/1940, given the discrepancy between sources
Personnel: James Hester of Norwood OH
Age: 19
Agency/Organization: Civilian Conservation Corps
Position: firefighter
Summary: James Hester, 19 was fighting the Chipmunk Creek Fire 8 miles south of Yellowstone Lake in Yellowstone National Park when a blazing snag fell and hit him. He perished, perhaps a day later. Another firefighter Chester Otey who was also injured, survived.
about 8 miles south of Yellowstone Lake, Chipmunk Creek Fire, Yellowstone National Park, WY:
{mosmap lat=’44.266471’|lon=’-110.273446’|marker=’0’|text=’Chipmunk Creek area – General fire area’}
Reports, Documentation, Lessons Learned
- Reported in the book Death in Yellowstone: Accidents and Foolhardiness in the First National Park by Lee H Whittlesey in the chapter “Deaths from Forest Fires: Smoke Chasing Can Kill,” p 102
- Lessons Learned Center Record for the Chipmunk Creek Fire CCC fatality
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Contributors to this article: Bob Sommer
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