Incident Name: Little Dry Creek, Gila National Forest, New Mexico
Date: 6/14/1961
Personnel: William T Rickard
Age: 30
Agency/Organization: US Forest Service
Position: firefighter
Summary: William T Rickard of Glenwood, NM was killed on 6/14/1961 while working on the fireline of a baze in the Little Dry Creek area of the Gila National Forest. He was hit on the side of the head by a falling limb and died 20 minutes later.
General area: Little Dry Creek area, Gila National Forest
{mosmap lat=’33.221260’|lon=’-108.739389’|marker=’0’|text=’Little Dry Creek area, Gila National Forest, NM’}
Reports, Documentation, Lessons Learned
William Rickard named as fallen: Links:
Media Articles and Reports
Photos, Videos, & Tributes
Contributors to this article: John Miller, Mellie
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