Incident Name: unknown but near McGrath AK
Date: 7/22/1968
Personnel: 4 lives lost, names unknown
Age: pilot was 25 yr
Agency/Organization: Hawkins and Powers Aviation in Greybull, WY under contract with BLM
Position: aerial firefighters
Names of the 4 killed — 2 pilots, mechanic and passenger — are unknown.
On 7/22/1968, while enroute to a fire after reloading in McGrath, an aerial firefighting tanker crashed into Joaquin Mountain killing the pilot, co-pilot, a helicopter mechanic, and a passenger. The aircraft was on contract to BLM from Hawkins and Powers Aviation in Greybull, Wyoming.
crashed into Joaquin Mountain, near McGrath AK
{mosmap lat=’62.949509’|lon=’-155.607184’|marker=’0’|text=’McGrath AK’}
Reports, Documentation, Lessons Learned
- Concise Information from the NTSB, FAA, AAP and research by the WLF Staff:
- July 22, 1968
- 4 killed, names unknown
- Operator: Hawkins and Powers Aviation in Greybull, WY; Aviation Safety Network says Avery Aviation
- Location: Joaquin Mountain, near McGrath AK
- FAA Registration # N7974A
- NTSB # ANC69F0083
- National Transportation Safety Board: Probable Cause (html)Type of Accident: Collision with ground: controlled
Phase of Operation: In flight: Other
Probable Cause(s):
Pilot in Command – Misjudged altitude and clearance
Terrain – High Obstructions
Fire after impact
Remarks – Struck mountain slope enroute to forest fire. Passengers did not have seat belts.
- For more information consult the NTSB online lookup Utility Use NTSB Identification: ANC69F0083
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- Alaska State Fire Fighters Association Memorial: 4 Lives Lost PB4Y2 Airtanker
Contributors to this article: Mellie
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