Incident Name: 43,465 acre Entiat Fire on the Wenatchee National Forest, WA
Date: 8/28/1970
Personnel: Willie Shaw
Age: mid-40s
Agency/Organization: US Forest Service
Position: firefighter
Summary: On August 28, 1970, Willie Shaw and 8,500 other men were working to control the 43,465-acre Entiat Fire and other fires on the Wenatchee National Forest in Washington, when a high wind caused a fire-weakened dead tree to fall on him. He did not survive.
General Area:
{mosmap lat=’48.366573’|lon=’-120.791482’|marker=’0’|text=’Wenatchee National Forest, Lake drainage’}
If anyone knows the specific location, please let us know.
Reports, Documentation, Lessons Learned
Willie Shaw named as fallen:
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Media Articles and Reports
Photos, Videos, & Tributes
- Photos from the Wenatchee National Forest
- US Forest Service Heroes Memorial: Willie Shaw
Contributors to this article: John Miller, Mellie
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