Incident Name:
Date: 7/23/1971
Personnel: Robert Bruce Campbell, Jr
Age: 30
Agency/Organization: Midvale Fire Department
Position: firefighter
Summary: Robert Campbell, Jr died on 7/23/1971 en route to a grass fire.
Midvale Fire Department, Midvale UT
{mosmap lat=’40.621069’|lon=’-111.874332’|marker=’0’|text=’Midvale Fire Department, Midvale UT’}
Reports, Documentation, Lessons Learned
- Utah Firefighter Line of Duty Deaths 1920-2012, by Steve LutzName: Robert B. Campbell, Jr.; Date: 23-Jul-71; Cause: grass, (enroute fall); Department: Midvale Fire Department
- US Social Security Death Index: Robert Campbell Links:
Media Articles and Reports
Photos, Videos, & Tributes
- Million Graves Index: Robert B Campbell, Jr.
- Burial Site is Midvale Cemetary, Salt Lake City, UT
- Gravesite
Contributors to this article: Steve Lutz
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