Incident Name: one of the fires of 1987, on the Shasta Trinity National Forest
Date: 06/27/87
Personnel: Gary Michael Hischier of Lakeport, CA
Age: 41
Agency/Organization: Under contract with the US Forest Service
Position: firefighter / dozer operator
Summary: Early on the morning on June 28, 1987, Gary Hischier, a private dozer operator was killed near the north side of Lake Shasta, CA. He was assisting in the digging of firelines during the 1987 fire siege when his dozer rolled over and crushed him.
North side of Lake Shasta. Exact location unknown.
{mosmap lat=’40.8134’|lon=’-122.2982’|marker=’0’|text=’North side of Lake Shasta. Exact location unknown.’}
Reports, Documentation, Lessons Learned
- NWCG Safetygram for 1987 (single page excerpt)
- Forest Service Heroes: Gary Hischier (listed under 1987)
- USFA Memorial Database: Gary M Hischier
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Contributors to this article: Mellie
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