Incident Name: small grass fire
Date: 12/05/1992
Personnel: Jeffrey Osmun
Age: 29
Agency/Organization: Crowley Fire Department, Crowley, TX
Position: firefighter
Summary: Jeffrey Osmun’s brush truck overturned while being moved to an alternate location on the fireground.
The death index indicates he died in Tarrant, Texas.
Crowley Fire Department, Crowley, TX
{mosmap lat=’32.577379’|lon=’-97.359119’|marker=’0’|text=’Crowley Fire Department, Crowley, TX’}
Reports, Documentation, Lessons Learned
- Lessons Learned Center: Database Entry
- USFA Memorial Database: Jeffrey Glenn Osmun
- Jeffrey’s name and death date are included in the USFA Firefighter Fatality Retrospective Study, published April 2002 (2,888 K pdf)
- Texas Death Index: Jeffrey Glenn Osmun
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