Incident Name:
Date: 9/15/99
Personnel: Terri LeAnn Hood
Age: 31
Agency/Organization: McCulloch Volunteer Fire Department, Clarksville, IN (now absorbed by Jeffersonville Fire Department, Jeffersonville IN)
Position: firefighter
Summary: Firefighter Hood was helping firefighters from a five county area battle a 450 acre wildland fire. Firefighter Hood was protecting a tobacco barn with other firefighters when conditions worsened and firefighters decided to withdraw. In heavy smoke and confusing conditions, Firefighter Hood was run over by a pumper backing away from the barn. She was killed instantly.
General area of accident:
{mosmap lat=’38.545178’|lon=’-85.558007’|marker=’0’|text=’general area of accident’}
Reports, Documentation, Lessons Learned
- NIOSH Report: Volunteer Fire Fighter Killed During Wildland/Field Fire – IndianaNIOSH investigators concluded that, to minimize similar occurrences, fire departments engaged in wildland fire fighting should:
- implement an incident command system (ICS) with written standard operating procedures (SOPs) for all fire fighters and ensure they are trained on the system
- utilize National Weather Service (NWS) Fire Weather (WX) Forecasts for all fire weather predictions and immediately share with all personnel all information about significant fire behavior events (e.g., long-range spotting, torching, spotting, and fire whirls)
- learn, communicate, and follow the 10 standard fire orders as developed by the National Wildfire Coordinating Group (NWCG) Links:
Media Articles and Reports
Photos, Videos, & Tributes
- USFA Memorial Database: Terri LeAnn Hood
Contributors to this article:
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