Incident Name:
Date: Incident Date: 2/16/08, 1254 hrs; Death Date: 2/21/08
Personnel: Vance Roland Tomaselli
Age: 66
Position: wildland firefighter
Summary: Captain Tomaselli was on-duty in his fire station. Units from his station were dispatched to a fire investigation. When the incident nature was changed to a structure fire, Captain Tomaselli responded to the incident in a brush engine. During the response, Captain Tomaselli suffered a stroke. The engine left the roadway and sideswiped a tree. He was able to continue his response to the scene and was treated by firefighters on the scene of the structure fire upon his arrival. He was transported by medical helicopter to the hospital. Captain Tomaselli died as a result of the stroke on February 21, 2008.
San Bernardino County Fire Department, 157 W 5th Street, 2nd Floor, San Bernardino, California 92415-1012
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Reports, Documentation, Lessons Learned
- USFA Memorial Database: Vance Roland Tomaselli
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Contributors to this article: Ken Kempter, Jim Tomaselli
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