Incident Name: Highway 22A Fire
Date: 12/13/10, 1440 hrs
Personnel: Jimmy Tuberville
Age: 64
Agency/Organization: Milledgeville Fire Department, 24 Park Street, Milledgeville, TN
Position: Fire Chief
Summary: A wildland fire was reported in the field across from the Milledgeville fire station. Firefighters responded and used flappers to extinguish the flames. Chief Tuberville drove the department’s brush truck to the scene and helped to fight the fire. Chief Tuberville returned the tools he had used to the truck and was talking with firefighters when he suddenly collapsed. Firefighters found that he had no pulse and began CPR while an ambulance was called. CPR was continued in the ambulance on the way to the hospital. Chief Tuberville was pronounced dead at the hospital.
Approximate Incident Location: Incident Location: 12035 SR 22A, Milledgeville, TN 38359 (USNG: 16S CE 7565 1555)
{mosmap lat=’35.37559’|lon=’-88.368936’|marker=’0’|text=’Approximate Accident Location’}
Reports, Documentation, Lessons Learned
- USFA Memorial Database: Jimmy W. Tuberville
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Media Articles and Reports.
Photos, Videos, & Tributes
- Tennessee Fire Chief Dies in the Line of Duty – Milledgeville TN: Announcement(no longer online)
- Obituary: Jimmy W. Tuberville
Contributors to this article: GA Peach
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