Incident Name: brush fire
Date: 2/15/17
Personnel: Bill Matthews
Age: 71
Agency/Organization: Bassfield Volunteer Fire Department
Position: fire chief
Summary: At 1554hrs on February 14, 2017, Chief Matthews and the members of his fire department were dispatched to a wildland fire threatening structures in their community. Chief Matthews responded to the scene as the driver of an engine apparatus. He met other firefighters at the scene.
The fire was threatening to spread to a church, so firefighters attacked the fire to prevent its approach. Chief Matthews repositioned the engine as firefighters advanced hoselines. When he failed to advance the apparatus, firefighters went to see what was wrong and discovered Chief Matthews slumped over the steering wheel of the apparatus.
He was removed from the vehicle and CPR was initiated by firefighters at approximately 1645hrs. An ambulance arrived and transported Chief Matthews to the hospital. Chief Matthews was pronounced dead at 1754hrs. The cause of death was a heart attack.
Photo credit: Prentiss Headlight
Incident Location: Behind the church on Graves Keys Road in Bassfield (U.S. National Grid: 16R BV 4455 8916)
Reports, Documentation, Lessons Learned Links:
Media Articles and Reports
- Fallen Bassfield fire chief remembered as role model2/15/17 | Online Article
A long time servant of Jefferson Davis County and the town of Bassfield died in the line of duty on Tuesday.
Bassfield Volunteer Fire Chief Bill Matthews, a retired Marine, was found slumped over in his fire truck on the scene of a brush fire. Mayor Patricia Courtney said a firefighter was manning the hose and called to Matthews to move the truck and got no response. The firefighter pulled Matthews from the truck and began CPR.
“They got the ambulance there, but it was already too late,” Courtney said.
The chief had died as a result of a massive heart attack, Coroner Jim Slater said. (More at the link…)
Photos, Videos, & Tributes
- USFA Memorial Database: Bill Watson Matthews
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