Incident Name: Gold Fire
Date: July 14, 1953
Personnel: Cecil R Gehr
Age: 46
Agency/Organization: Los Angeles County Fire Department
Position: Fire Chief
On 7/14/53 Fire Chief Cecil Gehr was killed in a vehicle accident while responding to the “Gold Fire”, a 306 acre fire that was located in Little Tujunga Canyon.
Cecil Gehr from the old LA County Fire website
possibly along the Little Tujunga Canyon Road
{mosmap lat=’34.351864’|lon=’-118.382761’|marker=’0’|text=Little Tujunga Canyon Road’}
Reports, Documentation, Lessons Learned
- LA County Fire Museum: Historical Biography of Cecil Gehr
- California Death Index: Cecil Royal Gehr Links:
Media Articles and Reports.
Photos, Videos, & Tributes
Contributors to this article: Gerald Meehan, Larry Tucker, LAC
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