Incident Name: Round Butte Fire, Fremont National Forest
Date: 9/7/1955
Personnel: Wesley W Weston of Bly, OR
Age: 40
Position: firefighter
Summary: Wesley Weston and three other firefighters had been working using 2 “tractors” to complete a fireline or fire trail on the Round Butte Fire between Klamath Falls and Lakeview, OR. Fire behavior on the Round Butte Fire picked up, it made a 4 mi run, and Weston and the others’ line was overrun. Weston’s body was found later.
Lakeview, Oregon
{mosmap lat=’42.184476’|lon=’-120.346260’|marker=’0’|text=’Lakeview, Oregon’}
The fire was located on the Fremont National Forest, between Klamath Falls and Lakeview, OR, origin near Round Butte.
Reports, Documentation, Lessons Learned
- Oregon Death Index: Wesley W Weston
- US Social Security Death Index: Wesley Weston Links:
Media Articles and Reports
Photos, Videos, & Tributes
Contributors to this article: Mellie
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