Incident Name:
Date: incident on 8/1/97; died 8/3/97
Personnel: Joseph James Estavillo
Age: 44
Agency/Organization:  San Diego Fire/Life Safety Services, San Diego CA
Position: firefighter

Summary: Firefighter Estavillo was called out on a strike team to fight a brush fire in the northern part of San Diego County. While fighting the fire, Estavillo sustained cuts on his hands (through his gloves). After returning to his crew that night (2:00am), Estavillo complained to his Captain about not feeling well (this was not like him). They immediately went to the hospital. By morning they had discovered that Firefighter Estavillo was infected with Strep A. This disease spreads in 24-48 hours with symptoms similar to the flu. Firefighter Estavillo died on August 3rd.


northern part of San Diego County

San Diego Fire/Life Safety Services, San Diego CA

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Contributors to this article:  Mellie

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