Incident Name: small grass fire in the area of San Lucas, Monterey Co.
Date: July 19, 1075
Personnel: George “Art” Norton
Age: 31
Agency/Organization: California Department of Forestry (now CAL FIRE)
Position: Fire Captain
Summary: Captain Art Norton’s engine was called to a small, few-acre grass fire just east of Hwy 101 and San Ardo exit. Art was walking through the smoke and stepped on the powerline that was backfeeding from the transformer. This accident began the policy of dispatch announcing “power lines down” and requiring an acknowledgement from all responding units.
just east of Hwy 101 and San Ardo exit
{mosmap lat=’36.014314’|lon=’-120.921008’|marker=’0’|text=’Accident Location’}
Reports, Documentation, Lessons Learned
Name: George A Norton
Event: Death
Event Date: 19 Jul 1975
Event Place: Monterey, California, United States
Birth Date: 23 Nov, 1943
Birthplace: California
Gender: Male
“California, Death Index, 1940-1997.”
- CDFTim’s dad, who was on duty with the cat and got canceled at scene, is unaware of any formal investigation sheets published within the department.
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Photos, Videos, & Tributes
- California Memorial Firefighter Wall in Sacramento, CA: California Memorial LODDs by Wall Order. (84 K pdf) –see page 14
Contributors to this article: 4711, Old-n-Gray, Skee, Mellie
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