Incident Name:
Date: 12/14 article minus 3 weeks or 21 days; Will was entrapped and died about 11/20/1931
Personnel: Will Richardson of Blackshear, GA
Age: 28
Agency/Organization: private turpentine company
Position: firefighter
Summary: news article on 12/14/1931: “The body of Will Richardson, negro, 28, of Blackshear, GA was found 3 mi north of Gainesville. Fellow turpentine workers said Richardson was trapped while attempting to fight forest fires three weeks ago. They heard his cries for help but thought he had escaped and had been brought to Gainesville for medical treatment. The fires which destroyed valuable timber and turpentine forests died out Saturday.”
Gainesville, FL
{mosmap lat=’29.651634’|lon=’-82.324826’|marker=’0’|text=’Gainesville, FL’}
Reports, Documentation, Lessons Learned
- Will Richardson named as fallen:
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