Incident Name: Sherman Creek Fire, began on Dollar Mountain, Coleville National Forest, Washington
Date: 8/19/1929
Personnel: W.P. Makeiff
Agency/Organization: US Forest Service
Position: firefighter
Summary: WP Makeiff was fighting the Dollar Mountain Fire on the Coleville National Forest on 8/19/1929. A sudden wind change in relatively light fuels caused him to try to outrun the fire uphill. He was unsuccessful and lost his life.
Dollar Mountain Fire, Coleville National Forest
Dollar Mountain Burn Game Preserve, Coleville National Forest, WA
{mosmap lat=’48.708255’|lon=’-118.501405’|marker=’0’|text=’Dollar Mountain Burn Game Preserve, Coleville National Forest’}
Reports, Documentation, Lessons Learned
- Historical Wildland Firefighter Fatalities 1910-1996 | A Publication of the National Wildfire Coordinating Group | Brief Description
- Date: 1929
- Fire Name & Location: Dollar Mountain, Coleville National Forest, WA
- # Fatalities & Agency: 1, USFS
- Fire Behavior Observed: Sudden wind change in relatively light fuels.
- Remarks: Firefighter tried to outrun fire uphill.
- Makeiff named as fallen on the Coleville NF:
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