Incident Name:  enroute to a fire near Orick in Humboldt County, CA
Date:  October 21, 1974
Personnel:  Michael Fagan
Age:  40
Agency/Organization:  Sis Q Flying Service (owned by Bud Davis), Santa Rosa, CA, under contract with CDF (now CAL FIRE)
Position: pilot

Summary: On October 21, 1974, Michael Fagan was piloting a Grumman F7F (Tanker 22) taking off from the Rhonerville Airport on his way to drop on a small fire near Orick, CA. He lost power in both engines and tried to return to the airport for an emergency landing. His plane hit a tree, farm equipment and a barn. Michael Fagan did not survive impact.

Photo of another F7F for type of aircraft, compliments of Leroy Zwicky.

Grummon F7F, E-31


Rohnerville Airport, just south of Fortuna, CA; the crash site was in one of the fields below the bluff and runway; the plane hit a barn there.

{mosmap lat=’40.554773’|lon=’-124.131521’|marker=’0’|text=’Rohnerville Airport’}

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Reports, Documentation, Lessons Learned

  • Santa Rosa Press Democrat, 10/22/74
  • Concise Information from the NTSB, FAA, USFS, AAP, and research by the WLF Staff:
    • October 21, 1974 – Tanker number reported by his son Michael Fagan, Jr was Tanker E-22.
    • 1 killed: Michael Fagan
    • Operator: Sis Q Flying Service under contract with CDF (now CAL FIRE)
    • Type: Grumman F7F-3
    • collided with trees and barn during forced landing near the Rohnerville CA airport
    • FAA Registration Number: N7238C
    • NTSB # OAK75FVD18
  • NTSB: Probable Cause (html)
    • Probable Cause(s)
      • Pilot in Command – Inadequate Preflight Preparation and/or Planning
      • Pilot in Command – Mismanagement of fuel
      • Miscellaneous Acts, Conditions – Fuel Starvation
      • Terrain – High Obstructions
    • Factor(s)
      • Miscellaneous Acts, Conditions – Failure of two or more engines
      • Complete power loss – Complete engine failure/ flameout-2engines
      • Emergency Circumstances – Forced landing off airport on land
      • Remarks – Also hit barn and damaged farm equipment
  • For more information, in case it becomes available, consult the NTSB Lookup Utiliy. Use NTSB Identification: OAK75FVD18
  • Warbird Registry with photo

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  • Hotlist thread on the research: 8/26/11

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Media Articles and Reports.

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Photos, Videos, & Tributes

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Contributors to this article: Chris Anderson, Michael Fagan, Jr., Leroy Zwicky

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  • Michael Fagan Jr says:

    His Tanker number was 22. I am always looking for someone that knew him.
    My email is

  • Mellie says:

    Hi Michael, Thanks for the information. I added it to the page. Perhaps someone stopping by will have known your dad. I wonder if there are any records or contacts to be made at the Rohnerville Airport. Please let us know if someone has good stories to tell about your dad. Stories and memories are welcomed here.

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